
Attitude is everything! Our Attitude affects not only us but the people around us.  Besides who wants to be around a person that always has a negative attitude. Here comes negative Nelly!

Attitude affects our decisions on a daily basis from the simplest to the most complex decisions in life. Being a person of my age, experiences in life, personally and professionally, I have been around many different people with different attitudes. I’m sure so have you.

Which type of person are you usually drawn to? Someone with a positive attitude or negative attitude? That’s a huge question to ask yourself because their negative being  can also affect you. Negative people bring in negative energy to your space can cause you to feel the same. It’s good to try to help the person recognize their energy or attitude. Especially, if they are always around you!

Attitude can affect your health, decisions in life, sap your Joy. Have a more joyful life ! Even if your always a certain way try little simple things in life that will help you in the long run. The more you change your attitude or help someone change theirs. The more you will start seeing positivity in your life.

Attitude is everything! Our Attitude affects not only us but the people around us.  Besides who wants to be around a person that always has a negative attitude. Here comes negative Nelly!

Attitude effects our decisions on a daily basis from the simplest to the most complex decisions in life. Being a person of my age, experiences in life, personally and professionally, I have been around many different people with different attitudes.

Which type of person are you usually drawn to? Someone with a positive attitude or negative attitude? That’s a huge question to ask yourself because their negative being  can also affect you. Negative people bring in negative energy to your space can cause you to feel the same. It’s good to try to help the person recognize their energy or attitude. Especially, if they are always around you!

Attitude can affect your health, decisions in life, sap your Joy. Have a more joyful life ! Even if your always a certain way try little simple things in life that will help you in the long run. The more you change your attitude or help someone change theirs. The more you will start seeing positivity in your life.

Boost your Optimism for your day !

  1. See things differently ( in certain situations you have to see life through a better lense.)
  2. Get over the past.
  3. Don’t watch the news for a few days out of the week.  If you watch the news 2 times a week you will catch everything going on Trust me.
  4. Go for a short evening walk. (feeling the cool summer breeze can be very uplifting and good for your health)
  5. Get some sun (Natural source of happiness)
  6. Eat dark chocolate if you can. Talk to your doctor if you need to first etc.  Dark Chocolate can help lower blood pressure.

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