Category Archives: Uncategorized

Burst of Happiness

Have you ever did an activity had this burst of happiness and then its gone… Well maybe your overdoing it! Sometimes over doing it can get in the way of the original burst you felt from it. People love this feeling they get from going out but then they keep going out over and over…

Living Your Dreams

Time is of essence Many years go by with people talking about career changes. How there are so many other things they want to succeed at and unhappy with their current career. Suffering in a cubicle, day in and day out!! Clients have shared with me that they are stressed, working late hours and even…

Writing for Health and Wellness XOXOXO

Quick way to de stress is to write ! Wellness centers everywhere are asking people to write how they feel, and guess what all you need is a pencil/pen and paper ! When you find yourself stressing about life about financial, medical, or relationships or general stuff its good to try to write it down…

Random Food or Questions for Thought

Do you think some habits we should change? Like things we say about each other or others. Sometimes you might gossip about someone but word out there is that gossip is usually something we have in ourselves. You have to think what type of energy do we want to put out there? If you are…


In this hussle and bussle we sometimes forget to effectively communicate with each other. Effective communication can get you very far in our everyday life. Such as, family, co-workers, friends, your spouse, kids and maybe even your dog. (ha) These last couple of years since we have been so connected to technology I’m seeing some…

Your Inner Child

When we were younger What personality traits do you remember about yourself? Do you still hold those traits? Sometimes our daily thoughts, lives and routines get in the way of who we really are (our inner child) I can remember being a jokester when I was younger. Always walking around the house acting silly and making…


Attitude is everything! Our Attitude affects not only us but the people around us.  Besides who wants to be around a person that always has a negative attitude. Here comes negative Nelly! Attitude affects our decisions on a daily basis from the simplest to the most complex decisions in life. Being a person of my…


The information and life coaching sessions with Focus Forward Life Coaching is not a substitute for professional advice such as a Counselor, Psychiatrist or Medical Doctor. This information shown on this website or information expressed during sessions is intended to be general information with respect to common life issues. Information is offered in good faith…


We have to start thinking about what information you want to input in your head. I know we are bombarded with so much media, including TV, Facebook, twitter just non stop information. We have to stop ourselves and ask is this ok for me ? How much can the brain really handle or take? I…

Inspirational Quotes for You

Today I came across this great Quote by Ram Dass – “Treat Everyone you meet like God in drag. ”  What a great quote I think it just clears everything up for me and actually makes life easier ! Follow your bliss, your passion, don’t listen to your peers or your culture. Only listen to…