Do you think some habits we should change? Like things we say about each other or others. Sometimes you might gossip about someone but word out there is that gossip is usually something we have in ourselves. You have to think what type of energy do we want to put out there? If you are that man or women that gossips about others that’s what you will get back.
Do you think being mindful and aware of what you are saying will be helpful in your life? The world is a mirror what you say, how you react its all a mirror. If you want good be good to others because its a boomerang effect! If you are judging others you can be judging yourself. If you are in a position or job where you have to analyze others and need to help find ways to make things better in your company. Well that’s a different story but you should always look for a bright side and the side that needs to be repaired. Maybe you need to find ways to help others bring out the best in them. You can be the catalyst for change!
Very good write-up. I definitely love this site. Stick with it!